Paku & Bulu Mata MEWAH. hotel Nikko Fukuoka

Kami berlokasi di B1F Nikko Hotel yang terhubung langsung ke Stasiun Hakata. Anda dapat memilih dari sekitar 200 warna dan berbagai macam contoh desain. Kami juga menawarkan perawatan bulu mata dan kuku secara bersamaan. Juga Pria tersedia.
Salon: Paku & Bulu Mata MEWAH. hotel Nikko Fukuoka
Lokasi Salon:

* Setelah pemesanan dikonfirmasi, kami email Anda peta dan kontak arah salon rincian.

Jam buka:

Hari kerja 10:00 – 20:00
Sabtu, Sunday and holidays 10:00 – 20:00


• Bahasa Inggris
• Jepang

Pembayaran diterima: Tunai, VISA, MasterCard, American Express, Pengunjung

· Wi-Fi gratis



I provide nail art with all our heart and soul to create beautiful hands for customers.
While incorporating a wide range of designs and trends, I offer original nail designs that match each customer's individuality and requests.
I also pay thorough attention to hygiene control and strive to ensure that our customers can receive treatment with peace of mind.
I sincerely look forward to helping you make your hands shine.
Please feel free to contact me with any questions or concerns you may have.
Let's create wonderful fingertips together.