沉迷於放鬆逃生: 絲滑的秘訣, 閃亮的頭髮

在Sulir頭髮和指甲設計,享受定制的洗髮水和治療, 深層頭皮清潔, 和純粹的放鬆. 我們提供個性化護理 […]

サロン価格 17,600 日元
一茶匙米飯 15,400 日元
含稅. 日本不給小費

  • Counseling & 頭皮檢查
  • marbb Shampoo
  • 頭髮護理 & 頭部按摩
  • 烘乾, 和造型


沙龍: 蘇麗爾的頭髮和指甲設計

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. 全躺式洗頭椅

在Sulir頭髮和指甲設計,享受定制的洗髮水和治療, 深層頭皮清潔, 和純粹的放鬆. We offer personalized care to bring out the best in your hair.


Located in Ebisu, 東京, Sulir Hair and Nail Design offers a natural and relaxing atmosphere with warm wood tones and lush green plants. Passionate stylists are dedicated to providing personalized treatments tailored to each client’s unique needs. Experience expert care and achieve the ideal hairstyle in a soothing environment.


Customized Hair Care: Find the Perfect Treatment for You

The standout feature of Sulir Hair and Nail Design is its extensive selection of shampoos and treatments. 髮型, 質地, and damage level categorize them into 12 types, from Type A to Type L, and further divided into over 30 patterns based on the desired style, ensuring a perfect match for everyone. 另外, there are medicated options for dryness and dandruff, as well as volumizing types for those concerned about hair thickness. This salon is ideal for those who are worried about their hair quality or who lack home care.

Advanced Scalp Analysis and Tailored Hair Treatments

The model for the day had normal hair texture with no noticeable waves and medium to high damage, classifying them as Type F. To achieve the desired light and hydrated look, Shampoo No. 3 and Treatment No. 5 were used. Counseling and treatments are performed by professionals who have been using these shampoos and treatments for over a year and a half, and they will work with you sincerely to help you get closer to your ideal hair.

This salon is equipped with a high-performance microscope, capable of clearly capturing even clothing fibers. It allows for a detailed examination of the scalp’s condition, helping to identify concerns that may have gone unnoticed before.

Experience the Deep Cleansing & Relaxation of Marbb

Here is another key feature of Sulir Hair and Nail Design. The salon uses a device called marbb, which mixes air with water at the nano level to generate microbubbles. Microbubbles are 1/2000 the size of carbonic acid bubbles, and can remove dirt from pores that cannot be removed with fingers. Adding this to water has various effects on healthy and beautiful hair.

Following the consultation, the stylist will perform a head spa. 第一次, it uses marbb to carefully remove dirt from your scalp. This feels like a jacuzzi and has a massage effect.The benefits of using marbb include:①Removes sebum buildup and shampoo residue that regular shampooing may leave behind.②Does not overhydrate the hair, allowing space for treatment agents to penetrate more effectively.③Reports suggest it can reduce drying time by up to 35%, allowing more time for customer service.④Less exposure to heat from the dryer helps minimize hair damage.
Since only a few salons offer marbb, this is a great place to experience its effects.

下一個, she lathers the shampoo in her palms and massages it into the shampoo. The shampoo and treatments contain aromas, and the treatment you receive while surrounded by this scent will make you feel as if you are in heaven. You can also enjoy bubble packs here. When you put the bubbles created in your shampoo on your hair, the sound of the bubbles breaking makes you feel as if you’re under the sea, and you can truly relax. Marbb is also used to remove shampoo. Stylists affirm that this treatment enhances the results of future coloring and perms.

A Luxurious Treatment Journey for Healthy, 閃亮的頭髮

Before applying the treatment, a nano mist is used to open the scalp’s pores, significantly enhancing the treatment’s absorption. 下一個, a cleansing gel is applied to the scalp, followed by a full-hand massage. 然後, the treatment is finally applied. After allowing it to penetrate, combing is performed. At this salon, the treatment is dissolved in warm water and poured over the hair with a cup, ensuring even distribution to each strand. The sound of the water being poured is also incredibly soothing.

The drying process after the treatment consists of three steps. 第一次, the hair is combed, then a liquid known ashair lotion” 應用, and finally, the hair is dried. There are two types of hair lotion: a standard type and a volumizing type. 另外, 一個 “hair serummay be used, depending on the desired finish. One noticeable effect of the marbb system can already be felt at this stage—the hair dries significantly faster. Marbb has a hydrophobic effect, which prevents excess water from dripping compared to regular water.

As the treatment nears its final stage, a head massage is performed. The stylist carefully massages the scalp down to the décolletage, helping to relax the scalp and relieve tension in the neck and shoulders. 最後, the hair is styled. There are six types of oil to choose from, and despite only using a blow and dry without a hair iron the hair achieves an incredible shine. This is truly remarkable. 另外, all the hair care products used in this salon are salon-exclusive, attracting customers who specifically seek them out.

For Those Seeking the Ultimate Hair & 頭皮護理

後: The model’s hair now has a silky shine and a naturally elegant finish.Are you considering this luxurious treatment? This premium hair and scalp treatment at Sulir Hair and Nail Design is perfect for those looking to refresh and revitalize their hair while enjoying a relaxing salon experience in Tokyo. 在只是 1.5 小時, this treatment deeply cleanses the scalp, enhances hair hydration, and leaves hair feeling incredibly soft and lightweight.This package is highly recommended for anyone who wants to improve their hair quality, whether visiting Tokyo for a break from daily stress or looking for a salon that offers meticulous care.

The treatment process includes advanced technologies such as marbb, which deeply cleanses the scalp and improves product absorption, and a nano mist that enhances treatment effectiveness. The expert stylists carefully select the best shampoos, 治療, and finishing products based on individual hair types and styling goals.The experience doesn’t end with the treatment itself. The soothing sound of warm water during the treatment, the relaxing head massage, and the use of salon-exclusive products all contribute to an unforgettable salon visit. Families, 情侶, or groups of friends can also make reservations, making it an excellent choice for a shared beauty experience.Why not elevate your time in Tokyo with a visit to Sulir Hair and Nail Design and experience the ultimate in hair and scalp care?

15,400 日元
含稅. 日本不給小費



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